Their Dance



    The song played on, and they danced.  To look at them was too know that they felt like the only two people on the dancefloor, that they didn’t care.

            They dance close together, holding each other… he with a look of amazed wonder upon his face, and she with one of simple adoration.       

            He doesn’t understand how it has come to that this has happened, that he has come to be holding this beauty.  All he knows is that he is here, and that this is where he wants to be.

            She knows that she wants to be no where else, and that she is some form of love with him, and it is enough for her just for him to hold her, to dance with her.

            Their eyes are closed, and that is probably all the better for them.   That way they can’t see their friends, who are all dancing, but at every opportunity are sneaking glances at the two of them, and speaking to each other just over the music: oh, look, they’re finally dancing… good, finally… how sweet.

            And so the story was able to begin, with just two people dancing.  Which leaves just one question, which only they can answer:   How will their story end?


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