I slept... and dreamed.
A blank void stretched all around me, the utter blackness blinding me.
And out of the emptiness came their faces, in an impossibly long parade
of leering looks. And the first to
come out of the black, it was yours
Slowly you floated out of the darkness before me, a look of utter pity on
your countenance. Your melodious
voice came floating toward me, quicker than your face.
It’s stinging bite, flowing with the venom of your words, burned me to
the quick, rapidly consuming my soul. Even
your caustic tone multiplied the bitter pain of the words you said a thousand
And there I stood, alone, before the whole parade.
And there I stayed, alone, until the whole parade had passed.
And some, they lied, many as they had in the past.
And the new lies are just as obvious as the ones I hadn’t noticed
before, so the old lies came back to me from somewhere else within the endless
black, the familiar words haunting me. And though I knew I was dreaming, I could do nothing to awaken myself, not until the last echo, of the last words, of the last voice had come to me, drowning me in its reverberations. And then, only then, I woke, but the ache deep within my heart did not fade. I lie awake, trying to figure out a way to forget it all. Finally I could no longer hold my eyes open. So I slept... and dreamed of you. |