Sweet Dreams



        Sweet dreams.  Let the somber-sweet embrace of sleep engulf you , and pull you down through its infinite cinder blackness, ever deeper, its depths equal to the midnight colors of a moonless winter night, during the hour of witching.  Allow the nothingness of its touch to soothe you, as you sink into the murk, and finally float out of the dark, and into the core of sleep, the mystical land of imagination and rejuvenation that is called dream.

            And having reached this core, allow the eagle-flights of fancy to carry you all throughout the borderless place, which only you can truly know, known as your imagination.  For within the paradoxical land without limit which survives within the suffocating prison of your frail human body, within its grasp, and only there, can you do all the things that deep within you long to.

            So, for a few brief moments, allow yourself the gentle comfort of the relaxing ebb and flow of images as they float across your field of view, and live the free moments of adventure which they provide.  Sweet dreams, my dear, for the morning comes too, too quick.


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